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VR training Logistics – The virtual packing station The VR training virtual packing station offers the opportunity to get to know and train the processes in logistics centre. Project description Target group Logistics companies, HR departments Category training application Technology Virtual Reality, VR glasses About VR Packstation Our VR Packstation is a virtual training application …
Mental training in VR – Eleusis Temple Eleusis is the temple of relaxation. Go on a relaxation journey into your innermost being in virtual reality and find peace and balance from the stressful everyday life. Project description Target group Private persons looking for relaxation, mental trainers, psychotherapists Category VR application Technology Virtual reality, VR glasses …
VR Training – Welding The VR training welding for employees in production is a virtual application that can be used to simulate a welder’s work processes using VR glasses. Project description Target group Craft businesses, training centers, HR departments Category VR application Technology Virtual reality, VR glasses About VR Training Welding With the VR welding …
AR Trainingthoracic drainage We’ll show you what AR technology can already do in the training and further education of medical professionals. With AR training for thoracic drainage, we offer the opportunity to simulate and practice real emergency operations. Project description target group Emergency medicine specialists in training, further training for doctors, nurses and paramedics category …
Club and Community Management Premium automobile manufacturer Munich. Project description The Challenge In this project, WAY Business Solutions is responsible for supporting automobile clubs and their members worldwide. The average age of members in automobile clubs is increasing. Recruiting a younger target group is therefore one of our challenges, in addition to the core task …
TPMS. Project takeover of TPMS development for BMW AG. Integration of the TPMS (Tire Pressure Management System) for all current and future BMW series. Project description The Challenge A complex task that includes the entire spectrum of vehicle development is supported by our team from A to Z Services Testing, securing and releasing the legally …
International technology partnershipwith CAIP. The WAY Group accompanies and supports CAIP in their market entry in Europe and the establishment of business relations. Project description The Challenge As an automotive supplier already established in China, CAIP would like to further develop the European market The Solution The WAY Group acts as the European Innovation Center, …
Technicalprojectmanagement. Development and production of batteries, battery systems for electric vehicles and energy storage systems. Project description The Challenge Upgrading and conversion of batteries in prototypes, communication with supplier and manufacturer Services General project management, supplier management, opening and checking the battery and the replacement of the control units and cooling and cable lines, modernization …
XRt – Tactic Metaverse. In-house development for tactics planning and analysis of professional soccer clubs. Project description Target group Coaches, tactics trainers and players in professional soccer Category Training, VR-Training Technology Windows, Virtual Reality, Mobile About XRT – Tactic Metaverse The “Tactic Metaverse” was developed by Way Digital Solutions for Tactics planning and analysis of …